All three episodes:
Episode 1: Girls and Boys (7:17)
How boys’ and girls’ bodies are different, how they develop and grow and how they start producing sperm and eggs.
Episode 2: Sperm Meets Egg (5:29)
You only need one sperm and one egg to make a baby, but how do they get together?
Episode 3: A Baby Grows (9:01)
A fertilised egg doesn’t become a baby overnight, it takes nine months to become a brand new human being!
Family Resource Kit
All three episodes
PLUS family learning resources:
Three visual glossaries of keywords with interactive audio
Three fun multiple-choice quizzes to help consolidate learning
Examples of curious questions that might come up, with suggested answers
Designed especially for families by leading sexuality education experts.
classroom kit
$399 annual subscription
All three episodes
PLUS classroom learning resources:
Teachers notes
Six lesson plans for the classroom
Four Infographics
Three quizzes
Body bits glossary
Created by leading sexuality education experts, the materials are targeted to the Australian curriculum and can also be used in schools worldwide.
“Firstly, I want to say that I LOVE this resource. It is cute, informative and just what we need, not only in Australia, but globally.”
“This is the most DIVINE and funny and really informative video ... I think EVERY parent, school will want to show their kids — makes it not awkward and taboo and takes the pressure off the parents who only really know the ‘rudey bits’ because no one taught us properly.”
“It’s a great resource for parents ... you can share it together and then without the pressure just talk about it afterwards.”
“ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! It is wonderful. I think kids will really enjoy the animation as it is very funny and engaging. ”
“I kinda knew what IVF was but I did not fully understand it properly... This gave me a full understanding of it overall.”
“I have taken these animations into seven local primary schools in south-west Victoria. They have been so well received by students, teachers & parents!”